Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Radon Testing is it important

Why should I think about radon?

Any home can have a radon gas problem. Homes can trap radon inside where it can build up. If you breathe radon in, it can change the cells in your lungs. These changes can increase your chances for getting lung cancer. Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S. and the number one cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that radon causes more than 20,000 lung cancer deaths in the United States each year. If you smoke and your home has radon, your risk of lung cancer can be higher than normal. The S.C. Radon Zones map ( ) shows the areas in South Carolina with the highest potential for elevated indoor radon levels. However, the EPA recommends that all homes be tested for radon regardless of geographical location.

Greenville County has the highest risk in the state for Radon per the map.

What is radon?

You cannot see, smell, or taste radon. It comes from the breakdown of naturally occurring uranium or radium. Radon gets into your home through cracks and holes in the foundation, construction joints, and plumbing fixtures. Radon may also enter your home in the water you use. It can be released into the air you breathe when water is used for showering and other household uses. Radon in water is generally not a problem in homes served by public water systems. It has been found in private well water in areas with rocks that contain uranium or radium. For more information about radon in water contact S. C. DHEC's Radon Hotline or EPA's Drinking Water Hotline at 1-800-426-4791.

How Can I know if there is radon in my home?

The only way to know if you have a radon problem is to test your home. You can test for radon yourself. Testing is easy and should only take a few minutes. Test kits can be purchased from most home improvement stores, or you can hire a certified radon tester. Obtain a free test kit by contacting the S.C. Radon Hotline or write to the S.C. DHEC. Be sure to follow the instructions in the test kit.

There are two types of radon tests:

  • * Short-term test devices offer a quick and cheap way to test for radon. Short-term tests take from two to 90 days (depending on the device used). Lab results usually take two to four weeks. The results only measure what the radon levels were during the test period.
  • * Long-term test device stays in place for more than 90 days. The results from a long-term test give a better picture of actual radon exposure

What if you are Buying a home?

Ask the sellers whether the home has been tested for radon; and if so, tell them you would like a copy of the results. You should be concerned if the radon level measures at or above 4 pCi/L. (This unit of measurement tells you the amount of picocuries per liter of indoor air.) If the test is older than two years, or if the house—especially the basement—was renovated since the test, then you need to do a new test. You might also request a new test if the homeowner conducted the last test, if you do not feel confident of his testing standards.

If the house has not been tested, then have it done. You will need the homeowner’s cooperation to ensure that testing conditions are met. Short-term test results take only 48 hours. A more reliable long-term test measures readings over a period of ninety days, but this is likely an impractical amount of time to spend during a real estate transaction. If you conduct the short-term test, you will at least have an idea whether more extensive testing is warranted.

If the home you are thinking of buying tests positive for radon, it’s time to get a quote from an expert to correct the problem. The cost to alleviate radon is low during new-home construction, but in older homes it can range from $800 to $2,500. Obviously your best option is to get this cost built into your buyer’s agreement when you bid on the house.

EPA recommendations for concerned citizens

Step 1. Take a short-term test. If your result is 4 pCi/L or higher, take a follow-up test (step 2) to be sure. If your result is less than 4 pCi/L, you may want to test again sometime in the future. If you make any structural changes or your living patterns change and you begin occupying a lower level of your home, you should retest on that level.

Step 2. Follow up with either a long-term test or a second short-term test:

  • If the initial result is between 4 pCi/L and 8 pCi/L, a long-term test should be done. This will give you a better understanding of your year round average radon level.
  • If the initial result is 8 pCi/L or higher or you need results quickly, a short-term test should be done.
    *The higher your initial short-term test result, the more certain you can be that you should take a short-term test rather than a long-term follow-up test.

Step 3. If you followed up with a long-term test: Fix your home if your long-term test result is 4 pCi/L or more.
If you followed up with a second short-term test: The higher your short-term results, the more certain you can be that you should fix your home. You should consider fixing your home if the average of your first and second test is 4 pCi/L or more.
*Because there is no safe level of radon, the EPA also recommends that you consider fixing your home for radon levels between 2 and 4 pCi/L.

How can I reduce radon in my home?

There are ways to reduce the level of radon. Some methods prevent radon from entering the home. Others reduce radon after it enters the home. The cost of installing radon reduction methods depends on several factors, including how your home was built. According to the EPA, the average cost to fix a home is $1,200, but costs can range from $800 to $2,500. For more information, please refer to the contacts listed above, or call the radon hotline at 1-800-768-0362.

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